It has begun: the instigators on Facebook are announcing the overthrow of the Government in the midst of a crisis! Is Črnčec the one behind all of this?!


Instead of standing together as a nation in the midst of the escalating crisis caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, some radical instigators just can’t help themselves and keep on doing their best to smear the Government’s reputation with the intention of bringing it down, despite all their work and efforts to resolve the crisis we’re in. Rudi Bregar shared a lengthy Facebook post, full of unsubstantiated allegations, citing, among other things, the anonymous Twitter profile which is actually run by Damir Črnčec. Let’s not forget that the overthrow of Janša’s second Government began with the uprisings – while the Government was trying to save the country from recession.

Instead of standing together as a nation in the midst of the escalating crisis caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, some radical instigators just can’t help themselves and keep on doing their best to smear the Government’s reputation with the intention of bringing it down, despite all their work and efforts to resolve the crisis we’re in. Facebook user Rudi Bregar shared a lengthy post, accusing the Government of allegedly violating Article 20 of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Act, which talks about the functioning of the National Security Council, by establishing a Crisis Staff. Furthermore, he believes the Government should be charged by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, because it removed the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency from the Council, allegedly mislead people with information, and is not in compliance with World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines.

The lengthy post is filled with unsubstantiated allegations
In what way the Crisis Staff – which is not an authoritative body, but a form of extended Government – is illegal, is not explained. As the Prime Minister Janez Janša explained at a press conference on Tuesday, »this is not unusual, this is a government that works in an expanded composition with the key operatives so that the measures can be implemented as soon as possible.«

This was the press conference that followed the meeting of the National Security Council, which has taken place in the widest possible form so far. As President Borut Pahor explained, he does not recall »a time when all the political parties would work together on a meeting of the National Security Council. I could see from the discussion that there is an extraordinary political willingness to listen to each other, to understand each other.« Bregar was not able to explain why the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency should have been part of a meeting of the National Security Council dealing with the outbreak of a contagious disease; neither could he elaborate on his accusations of misleading the public.

His allegations of non-compliance with WHO guidelines for testing, are just as misleading. »The way we test, our approach closely follows the recommendations of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control in Stockholm. Yesterday we had a teleconference with a leading expert on the covid-19 disease control programme, who confirmed that our actions were appropriate. We did not lower the amount of testing we do, this was probably a miscommunication. We have changed the focus of the testing. Initially, we had an individual patient and wanted to find out where the virus came from,« Bojana Beović, Head of the Expert Group that provides support to the Crisis Staff, explained at RTV Slovenia.

Among other things, he refers to the anonymous profile, which is actually run by Črnčec
The following allegations are downright bizarre. Among other things, he apparently finds it controversial that the Government replaced »half of the country’s leading forces,« which is actually a common practice after the establishment of every new Government, and when asked about the Crisis Staff of the Republic of Slovenia’s profile on Twitter allegedly blocking other Twitter users, he refers to the Freedom of Speech (Svoboda govora) »organization«. This is actually a Twitter profile, run by the seemingly missing Marjan Šarec’s »shield-bearer« Damir Črnčec, as we have previously reported on Nova24TV.

Rok Krajnc


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