Alenka Bratušek admitted that the Šarec government did nothing for the healthcare sector! And in the KUL packaging, things are supposed to be better?!


“It is true, though, that there are certain areas where we have not actually done much – or practically anything. Healthcare is one of them,” the president of the SAB party, Alenka Bratušek, admitted during the time of the Šarec government. Apparently, that is how things were in the former coalition that its parties are once again trying to form, but this time, under a different name. They want to sell spoiled goods to the people, but in a new, shiny, KUL (cool) packaging.

In a short video clip, in a conversation with the journalists, the president of the SAB party, Alenka Bratušek, seems to admit that during the rule of the left-wing political options, there were certain areas, for which they did not do much, or practically anything, such as healthcare.

Her words are music to the ears, as they resurfaced at a time when the parties of the then-coalition, which landed in the opposition after the resignation of Marjan Šarec, are trying to form the same coalition once again. Except that this time, things will supposedly be better. Healthcare has been held hostage by incompetent politics in all of the previous left-wing governments.

With all of this, it is hard to believe that in the KUL packaging (KUL – Constitutional Arch Coalition), the left would be capable of any serious reform shifts. As we were able to see in the last decade, reforms are the enemy of the Socialists, as they would threaten their monopolies – part of which is also healthcare, and even one of the largest. Candidate for the position of the prime minister, Karl Erjavec, clearly wants to unite the predators, while taking care of healthcare or the retirees comes last.

Domen Mezeg


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