This is police officer Dušan Černilogar, who vilely insulted Prime Minister Janša – he is still carrying a weapon!


This was not the first case of a police officer threatening Prime Minister Janez Janša, which is all the more appalling, as a police officer is someone who should be an example of respecting the law, and they should also strive for respectful dialogue. We are talking about Dušan Černilogar, who uses the pseudonym “Leseni Unikati” (Unique Wooden Craftwork) on Facebook, and who is apparently filled with hatred: “Those damn Home Guards, a fascist gang, led by the Grosuplje butcher Janša with his SDS subordinates and their supporters, which operates under the auspices of the eternal, murderous and anarchist Roman-Catholic Church.”

“Go ahead, report me to the Police, and convict me. I would rather go to jail than change my mind. Dušan Černilogar.” This is what was written in a comment by someone who uses a pseudonym “Leseni Unikati” (Unique Wooden Craftwork) on social networks. And the most shocking thing about this is – he is a police officer, so someone who is supposed to be an example of respecting laws and fighting against hate speech.

He is the “guardian of peace,” employed at the Moste police station, and he was only mildly reprimanded for his hostile comment, which is outrageous. This is not the first time that a man in the blue uniform has attacked Prime Minister Janez Janša. Some people even called for his murder, and still, nothing happened to them. However, if a comment is made, attacking the left, it is treated quite differently. The controversial comment in question was published in the group called “Enough of Janez Janša.”

As reported by Škandal24, the Director-General of the Police, Andrej Jurič, was asked whether Černilogar was still employed by the Police, what his position is, and how Jurič has or will react. We received the explanations from the senior police inspector Maja Ciperle Adlešič, who wrote: “We know about the comment and are dealing with it in an internal security procedure, due to its nonconformity. A police officer is part of the procedure. The process has not yet been completed, but we expect that it will conclude shortly, with the appropriate action. Until then, we are unable to provide more information in this regard. In the Police, we are committed to respecting high moral and ethical standards, so we absolutely condemn such comments and actions, and distance ourselves from them, with zero tolerance. Every employee is expected to adhere to norms and value standards, and to be lawful, professional, fair, courteous, and correct in his or her conduct. This is expected of a police officer, both at work and in his free time.”

We also asked the president of the Trade Union of Police Officers (SPS), Kristjan Mlekuš, if he believes that such comments made by police officers reflect badly on the other police officers, who did nothing wrong. We received the following answer: “The president of the Trade Union of Police Officers of Slovenia, Kristjan Mlekuš, M.Sc., as well as the entire trade union, condemn any such way of expression of an individual, especially if such views are expressed by police officers. Namely, police officers are committed to high moral and ethical standards, which is why we consider comments like this to be completely inappropriate. Such behaviour, of course, casts the shadow of doubt on all police officers, who show their dedication to their work daily. We believe that those responsible in the Police will also take appropriate measures to determine the possible disciplinary responsibility of the individual. We want to emphasize that in the SPS, we are committed to a tolerant, cultured dialogue, regardless of the topic being discussed.”

Police officers have already threatened Janša in the past – even with liquidation
We have recently reported that a criminal investigator from the Murska Sobota Police Department is advocating for the right to the “Death to Janšaism” banners. One of the readers, whose name we keep in the editorial office, but will not publish, out of fear of revenge, informed us that the criminal investigator had repeatedly commented on the work of the current government and the Ministry of the Interior on his Facebook profile, and in the comments of other people’s posts. “In this case, his comments went over the limits of good taste and the police ethics as well,” the reader pointed out and attached a screenshot of the post.

The criminal investigator in question is Boris Borko, who is supposedly in charge of the Ljutomer area. The reader further commented on the alarmin situation: “A few other police officers from the Ljutomer Police Station are doing the same. In this case, his comments crossed the limits of good taste and police ethics as well. I wonder if the authorities at the Murska Sobota Police Administration support these actions, as they are obviously not reacting to the tasteless and unethical posts of their employees on social networks. I am afraid that the people who do not have the same views as he does will be treated unfairly by him.”

“I am asking to remain anonymous, as I am afraid of revenge.” Given that the criminal investigator commented under the published article on the topic of death threats at the protests, writing something in the sense that a person cannot even make a real banner anymore, one can justifiably get the impression that he does not mind certain extremists carrying banners that read “death to Janšaism” around the streets, and are thus making death threats.

Let’s not forget that in 2009 already, a particular case caused quite a stir in public, where a police officer threatened Janša with liquidation, and the statement was made on the online forum of the Večer newspaper. The culprit was supposedly the assistant commander at the police station in Maribor, and he allegedly sent the death threat to Janša via his office computer. The police officer was fired because of his unacceptable behaviour, and a criminal complaint was filed against him by the Ptuj prosecutor’s office. Janša gave his consent for the prosecution of the culprit, and also publicly commented on the matter, saying: “Someone wrote that he was sick of my Home Guard and that I would end up as Ivan Kramberger did. I was not surprised when I was notified of this. But I was surprised after they informed me that the author of the threat of liquidation was the assistant commander of a police station, who sent the threat directly from his office computer.”

Domen Mezeg


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