It does not get much worse than this: This is how Janković spat in the face of a small retailer, struggling to make a living and delivering food to people in the current critical situation!


At a time when it is recommended to limit contacts between people wherever we can, many people are choosing to purchase the things they need online, and many small retailers who are struggling to make a living, are following this trend. But they were faced with a problem in Ljubljana – it seems that the Mayor Zoran Janković is terrorizing them as much as he can, with the help of city wardens.

The epidemic of the novel coronavirus in Slovenia is growing day by day, and most citizens are trying their best to follow the recommendations of those responsible, thus opting for self-isolation. At a time when it is necessary to prevent as much human contact as possible, ordering groceries from online stores is highly recommended.

Janković is causing additional problems for the struggling entrepreneurs
One of the smaller shops in Ljubljana also decided to offer the option of home delivery to their customers, but because of the Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Janković, they were soon faced with a problem: »When you think you have already seen and experienced everything in our beautiful country Slovenia, you suddenly realize you are wrong! While feeling uncertain and not knowing whether we’ll even have enough food, we continue to work during these critical times, because we do not want people to be left without basic groceries. And yet, we need to argue with the city wardens because of our delivery truck!«

Were Janković’s stereotypical Balkan ways passed on to his wardens as well?
It seems that Janković, who proves time and time again that he does not care about the health and living conditions of other people, has passed his stereotypical Balkan ways on to his wardens as well. »And in what way! Arrogant, selfish, inhumane!« the representatives of the shop described their experience on one of the social networks. They, like many other smaller entrepreneurs, are struggling for their livelihood during these difficult times.

They are urging the Mayor to stop his wardens
The people are therefore urging the Mayor: »Believe us, we would prefer to stay at home too! We are urging the Mayor to call off all the wardens immediately because now is not the time to fill the Municipality’s cash register, now is the time to try to survive!« The wardens would be much more useful these days if they were to monitor the city streets, to see whether the people are following the new rules and restrictions of public gathering, etc. Unfortunately, many ar still unaware of the dangers and thus pose a threat to themselves and others.  The editorial board of Nova24TV web portal has contacted the Municipality of Ljubljana, regarding the matter above. We asked whether it was true that the wardens were penalizing the delivery services for improperly parked vehicles these days. We also wanted to know whether the Municipality was considering making the jobs of the delivery services – which are desperately needed at the time – easier by not penalizing them for minor offenses. We are still waiting for their response and will update the article as soon as we receive their answers.

Rok Krajnc


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