Milan Kučan – the greatest gravedigger of the Slovenian communists


The new “General Secretary” of the Slovenian communists, Tanja Fajon, is surely an “emergency exit.” The score-settling with Lukšič and many other younger people in the past proves that Kučan, who directs everything with the help of his staff, is not interested in the future of the Communist Party.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the worst massacres in Slovenian history, which were carried out by fellow countrymen, it is necessary to think long and hard about the main principle of the communist revolution, which was first extremely ruthlessly and cruelly enforced by Vladimir Iljič Lenin. The fact that responsibility for such acts is at the very top of society’s violent transformation is precisely why the real culprits have never, and nowhere – except in Cambodia – been officially revealed. In Slovenia, we never even found the local leaders of the massacres, just some liquidators, who were not the real problem. If it weren’t for them, they would have chosen others. Tito’s May trip around Slovenia and the places that are directly related to the massacres is still shrouded in mystery.

Friday’s cycling is part of the pandemic, but in a Slovenian manner
Friday’s demonstrations in Slovenia are part of a global pandemic. However, they include a Slovenian specialty. It is the demand for the replacement of Janša’s government. It is a well-known specialty of the communists, who use every crisis, similarly to the occupation of 1941, for their own power goals. Thus, selfish ideological-political goals suddenly become the goals of the general population. Speaking of a popular uprising is very telling. At a time of a pandemic, it on the brink of being a crime against fellow citizens. Accusing the doctors of planning the deaths of the elderly proves that they will do whatever it takes and choose any means necessary. Even the doctors themselves help them with this. Typical revolutionary action.

Tanja Fajon is the first woman to lead the Slovenian communists
The replacement of Dejan Židan is also part of this context. It is a fact that the man was not up to the challenges of the situation. Theoretically, he was too poorly versed, as he mastered neither the theory nor the terminology of militant communism. He could not hide the fact that he, personally, did not really believe in it. He failed to climb to the top of the opposition. He couldn’t even beat Marjan Šarec, let alone Luka Mesec. The successful concealment of the time of his replacement is a wonderful testament of the “investigative and independent journalism.”

The time of Židan’s replacement and the choice of his successor – for the first time in the history of the Slovenian communists, it is a woman, Tanja Fajon – says enough. In the history of the left-wing revolutions, the members of the fairer sex always play a special role. Even in our country. Let’s remember Zdenka Kidrič, who led most of the interwar liquidations, let’s remember many others, the “red Tatjana” from Celje, and other commissioners of the killings. Milka Planinc, who was the leader of the bloody orgies in Kočevski Rog, is a synonym for the former Yugoslav commissioners.

The police are a key factor of power for the communists
Despite her extreme impatience, Tanja Fajon will probably not be a copy of the “red Tatjana”. She is a typical product of the Slovenian journalism education at the “Hotel at Marx’s Beard.” As the leader of the workers’ avant-garde, who in facts belongs more to the fashion salons and similar associations, she will not be convincing. The fact that Tanja Fajon ordered an interpellation against the Minister of the Interior, however, clearly shows that she paid attention in school. The police are a key factor of communist power. This is also proven by the prosecutor’s office, superior to her, which calmly tolerates the demands for massacres of the leading politicians, who are not liked by the communists. Given the misuse of the slogan “Death to Fascism” – all those who are not the followers or sympathizers of the left are now considered to be fascists, we should all be scared of the future. The fact that the goal of the communists is only to regain power and enjoy the privileges associated with it, the workers, and a fairer social system are of no interest to them, relativizes such fear.

Due to his undisguised thirst for power, Kučan is the greatest gravedigger of the Slovenian communists
The new “General Secretary” of the Slovenian communists, Tanja Fajon, is surely just an “emergency exit.” The score-settling with Lukšič and many other younger people in the past proves that Kučan, who directs everything with the help of his staff, is not interested in the future of the Communist Party. Maybe he wrote it off and is betting everything on Mesec’s party. He does not hide the fact that he likes Mesec’s party, but he has not yet managed to control it. Time will probably tell that due to his undisguised thirst for power, Kučan is probably the greatest gravedigger of the Slovenian communists. The “old guard,” being led by Popit, also accused him of this, but he more or less liquidated them by “revealing” the post-war massacres. Fajon is neither the solution to the problem nor the beginning of trying to solve it. She is more likely the beginning of the end of solving it. Only time will tell if she is the beginning of the end for the leaders of the party, or the entire party itself.

Stane Granda, Časnik


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