Slovenia categorically rejects organized death threats!


A public opinion poll, conducted by the Parsifal agency for Nova24TV, has shown that the majority of the respondents do not support the anti-government protests. The results from the past analyses of public opinion show that the support for the protests is steadily declining. 84.7 percent of the respondents believe that chanting “death to Janšaism” is not appropriate.


52.9 percent of the respondents do not support the protests against the government. 42.8 percent of respondents do support the protests, while 4.4 percent of the respondents do not know whether they support or do not support the anti-government protests.

A comparison with data from the previous public opinion polls shows that the protesters are losing the support of the public. A month ago, 46.9 percent of the respondents still supported the anti-government protests, but by June 18th, 2020, this share had shrunk by 4.1 percent.

It is also worth noting that in the three public opinion polls on this topic, which were conducted by the Parsifal agency for Nova24TV, the anti-government protests were never supported by more than half of the respondents. The number of supporters of the anti-government protests is falling from week to week! The gap between the number of supporters and opponents of the protests, according to the latest poll, is more than 10 percent.

One of the questions in the poll was: “The representatives of the Levica party and some of the protesters who are protesting against the current government are publicly chanting the slogan “death to Janšaism.”  Do you think this slogan is appropriate?” The vast majority of the respondents, as many as 84.7 percent, said that they believe that the use of the slogan “death to Janšaism” is not appropriate. Only 11.4 percent of the respondents think that the slogan is appropriate.

The public opinion poll was conducted over the phone by the Parsifal SC agency, for Nova24TV, between June 15th and June 17th, 2020. The survey included 723 respondents, of which 47.8 percent were women. The average age of the participants is 51.5 years, and the standard deviation is 15.7 years. The majority of the respondents are from the oldest age group (44.2 %), a slightly smaller number of participants belong to the middle age group (36.8 %), and the smallest number of respondents is from the youngest age group (19.0 %). The majority of the respondents have completed high school (33.5 %), followed by those with completed high education or higher (26.9 %), 24.3 percent of respondents have finished vocational school, and 15.3 percent have either completed or have not completed primary school. The majority of the respondents currently reside in a small village or hamlet (54.5 %), followed by those who live in the city (29.0 %) or a smaller town (16.5 %). Most of the respondents are from the central region of Slovenia (25.5 %), followed by Podravska (13.7 %) and Savinjska region (12.9 %).

Ivan Šokić


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