Slovenia has friends: Polish Prime Minister offered the assistance of Polish medical teams to Slovenia, Hungary helped by supplying as many as 5 thousand pieces of protective clothing and 100 thousand masks!


During this difficult time, when we are facing the pandemic of the novel coronavirus, any help is more than welcome. Especially where the medical workers are fighting for life and death at the frontlines. They say that you only realize who your true friends are when you are at your worst, which was evidenced by Poland and Hungary’s amazing gestures. According to Prime Minister Janez Janša, the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Jakub Morawiecki offered the assistance of Polish medical teams if need be, and Hungary assisted in the delivery of protective equipment.

Given that Slovenia is facing a lack of protective equipment after Marjan Šarec’s Government left behind empty warehouses, Hungary’s assistance is all the more important. The latter arrived in Slovenia in the form of 5,000 pieces of protective clothing and 100,000 protective masks. Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša made it clear that in the coming days, domestic production will also come to the rescue. He also pointed out that it is really nice to have friends.

The Prime Minister of the Polish Government @MorawieckiM called and offered the assistance of Polish medical personnel teams if need be. On Friday, we got some help from Hungary, in the form of 5,000 pieces of protective clothing and 100,000 protective masks. We have started our own production. Slovenia will also help Hungary in the upcoming days. It’s nice to have friends.

Janez Janša (@JJansaSDS) April 7, 2020

Despite the fact that many people have a lot to say about Hungary, the fact remains that Hungary is one of the countries that often help Slovenia. Let’s recap. On April 1st, the Czech Republic and Hungary helped Slovenia. With the help of the Hungarian Government’s plane, a shipment from the Czech Republic, which contained one million surgical masks and 200 thousand FFP2 protective masks, arrived to Slovenia. The Slovenian Government expressed immense gratitude to both countries of the Visegrad Group, who are also members of the EU.

Köszönöm 🇭🇺#Szijjarto #ViktorOrban Thank you!
Protective equipment – 1 million surgical masks and 200K FFP2 protective masks from the Czech Republic were brought here by an aircraft owned by the Hungarian Government.

Janez Janša (@JJansaSDS) April 1, 2020

Six hundred and eighty thousand masks of domestic production will be delivered this week
Minister of the Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek pointed out that in times of a lack of protective equipment, we need to understand that the first to receive it, will be those working in healthcare facilities, nursing homes, and other services that are essential for the continuous functioning of the state. He also said that the country is starting to work on providing additional safety equipment for those working in the business sector. He announced that 680 thousand disposable and reusable masks of domestic production would be delivered this week. According to the Minister of Defence Matej Tonin, Slovenia intends to seek assistance for the provision of protective equipment under the European Civil Protection mechanism. According to STA, they are also considering requesting NATO for assistance with transport.

Hana Murn


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