Svet ni to, kar mislimo, da je: čas je, da gremo na novo raven

Kaos tako na osebni kot kolektivni ravni je znak, da zapuščamo staro in gremo naprej z novo vibracijo Zemlje, saj se vračamo v enost.
Fotografija: Artist's concept of the star Fomalhaut and the Jupiter-type planet that the Hubble Space Telescope observed. A ring of debris appears to surround Fomalhaut as well. The planet, called Fomalhaut b, orbits the 200-million-year-old star every 872 years.
Odpri galerijo
Artist's concept of the star Fomalhaut and the Jupiter-type planet that the Hubble Space Telescope observed. A ring of debris appears to surround Fomalhaut as well. The planet, called Fomalhaut b, orbits the 200-million-year-old star every 872 years.

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